Dancing Cat GIF

Pop Beats

  • Afrobeat 4

    Steady Afrobeat with lively guitars

  • Summer 2

    Slow and chill indie song with simple chords and a synth solo at end

  • Groovy

    Groovy jazzy jam session

  • Afrobeat 2

    Slow and emotional Afrobeat with a silly beat switch

  • Lasers

    Electronic beat that explores different variations of a theme through different synths and instruments

  • Summer Rock

    Lively Summer rock beat with guitars

  • Fun Song

    Quote on quote fun song but carries some emotion

  • Thai Market

    Chill and steady beat that reminds me of eating at my favorite Thai restaurant in the Summer

  • Where Are You?

    Modern synthy song that begs the question wya

  • Inspired

    Laid back guitar serenade

  • Orchid

    Emotional synths and ambience

  • Royce

    Bachata beat inspired by Prince Royce. Used for my song Baila Conmigo

  • Get That Money

    Classic synths to a steady beat with chants of get that money. Used for my song Get That Money

  • 90s

    90s inspired chill song that gives vibes of a pleasant evening

  • 80s Pop

    An unmixed and unmastered version of the instrumental I produced for my song Lit Hum Song

  • lofi

    Chill Lofi beat that I frequently use in any projects that involve an audio medium